Post by kungfuzu on May 26, 2021 19:05:14 GMT -8
This would be laughable if it weren't for the fact that this exemplifies much of the USA voting system. Stupid criminals. Which way did he go George?
Post by kungfuzu on May 27, 2021 12:58:18 GMT -8
This is happening just south of the border. Once "Law and Order" is crippled, it is very difficult to heal. Does anyone doubt that things would be different if the Mexican Government were not so corrupt? The corruption of US Government is growing. How far behind Mexico are we? Should we ever match their depravity, perhaps things in the USA would be a little less violent. Here they would drag opponents through the court system and bankrupt them or send them to jail. People would only be shot if they persisted in demanding their rights. 88 Politicians dead in Mexico I must say that the thugs in Mexico seem to be strong proponents of feminism. They murder women with the same esprit that they murder men.
Post by artraveler on May 27, 2021 13:38:24 GMT -8
Law and Order
There used to be a time, not that long ago when although Mexico was corrupt it was not lawless and the streets were generally safe even for anglos. That time, 60s and 70s is long gone the corruption hasn't changed but what has changed is the drug cartel business. Some estimates place the GDP of the drug business at over a trillion dollars. I think that is conservative.
Until about 30 years ago the US exercised a measure of control and order over the business. Officially the position of the US was the same as today eradicate it. Unofficially we allowed the Columbian cartels to operate and regulate the business. Then well meaning, but clueless, leftists in the Bush/Clinton/Bush administrations destroyed that symbiotic relationship. Thus, the rise of the Mexican cartels. Now with the assistance of the Biden administration the cartels are smuggling people.
Until someone can convince 20% of the American people to stop smoking, shooting and snorting that shit control is the very best we can offer. So, how do we regain control? Trump was on the right track by controlling the border with the wall, but that only slows the flow. In order to gain control we need to go after the cartel leadership in much the same way Israel controls Hamas. Kill the leaders either with drone strikes or targeted assassination and keep doing it at every level. As the IDF says "mow the lawn".
The Mexican government will howl publicly but in private support the action. Make the Mexican border provinces a dangerous place for drug dealers and rector a measure of control. It can be done but IMHO never will. The political class in DC, republican and democrat, are jellyfish. They just float along with no spine and only kill what is in reach.
Post by kungfuzu on May 27, 2021 14:51:56 GMT -8
I walked across the border from El Paso to Juarez in 1975-76. I then walked the streets of Juarez, ate lunch and bought some souvenirs, a stone chess set and enameled brass tray, which I still have. I also spent a three-week Spanish course in Saltillo sometime during the spring of 1975. Clearly, things have changed for the worse.
Post by artraveler on May 27, 2021 16:44:58 GMT -8
I walked across the border from El Paso to Juarez in 1975-76 My father had a Marine buddy who retired in Mexico, Juarez. Once or twice a year in the 50s he would take it up to drive to see him, have some beer, go to a bull fight. This was over a weekend and involved a lot of driving. We generally made the trip in about 8 hours. My dad did not have much respect for speed limits across the desert. We would eat breakfast in San Bernadineo and dinner in Juarez. Even then, Juarez was a beast, but a beast that was mostly under control. Fireworks were cheep and the border patrol did not waste time searching Americans. The only question I remember asked was if we were carrying any produce or potted plants. Juarez was a great place for retired NCOs, close to Ft Bliss for medical and commissary and cheep rents. E-7 pensions did not provide for beer money.
Post by kungfuzu on Jun 5, 2021 17:43:26 GMT -8
As I told my overseas friends, elections in the USA have a long tradition of being on par with something out of Central America or East Africa. More proof that the USA is a total outlier when it comes to voter ID laws. I am convinced voter fraud has been a major part of the Demoncrats' game plan to hold on to power for decades. All but one European country requires voter ID
Post by artraveler on Jun 7, 2021 9:47:45 GMT -8
RINOs and worse and why Paul Ryan and those with similar IQs are going the way of the Dodo. Republican voters who grew so disillusioned by decades of Establishment Republican betrayals that they opted to toss them all aside for a non-politician are now eager to reward true leadership and grit again by seeking a return to power of the same crippled conservatism and Republican gimpiness that led them to choose Donald Trump in the first place. www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/06/the_time_of_romneyryan_republicanism_is_over.html
Post by kungfuzu on Jun 13, 2021 11:40:35 GMT -8
Brad, As a printer, I would like to hear your opinion as to whether or not this story is correct on the facts of printing technology? Voter ballots were mis-printed
Brad Nelson
עַבְדְּךָ֔ אֶת־ הַתְּשׁוּעָ֥ה הַגְּדֹלָ֖ה הַזֹּ֑את
Posts: 12,272
Post by Brad Nelson on Jun 13, 2021 12:45:38 GMT -8
I have no idea if that story is correct. There are a lot of “mays” in it. But ultimately crappy printing could be used to defraud. Or it could just be crappy printing.
Post by kungfuzu on Jun 23, 2021 18:10:35 GMT -8
Post by kungfuzu on Jul 14, 2021 10:45:45 GMT -8
I was wondering how the paper counting machines being used in the Maricopa County forensic audit worked. I found this short video clip on line. The machine appears to be very similar to those I have seen in Arizona.
Post by kungfuzu on Jul 15, 2021 20:22:52 GMT -8
This is a good summary of the information which came out today on the progress of the Maricopa County forensic audit of the Nov. 3rd vote. OoopsI watched some of the process online and think a couple of points should be expanded. 1. The 30,000 "queries," which was close to 37,000, where logins to the voting machines, in the custody of the election board, in one day. These "queries" were made to erase previous information on the machines. These "queries" are felonious as the machines and information on them were under subpoena when the "queries" were made. 2. The machines' anti-virus software had not been updated since 2019. This raises the question of, "Why machines, which Dominion claims could not be connected to the internet, would need anti-virus software in the first place?" To those who might say that someone could slip a USB drive into one of the machines and mess things up, I say that only the Maricopa County election people were to have access to the machines. The third or fourth counting of the actual paper ballots is not taking place. From what I understand, the difference between the number of ballots/votes reported and the actual number of paper ballots counted is in the tens-of-thousands. As it now stands, it would appear that the number of "mistakes/questionable ballots" made in the Maricopa County election of Nov 3rd is over 100,000. Biden "won" by 10,457 "votes". After this comes Georgia, Pennsylvania and others. Things are going to get very nasty in the near future.
Post by kungfuzu on Jul 18, 2021 9:53:07 GMT -8
This is a subject which is particularly close to my heart, given my extensive travels throughout the world. For years, I have been telling people that the state of American airports is disgraceful. TSA and other shames
Post by kungfuzu on Oct 5, 2021 19:36:20 GMT -8
More proof that the government, particularly those working in the Biden administration, are corrupt scum. AG Merrick Garland sends out a letter to pressure parents from fighting against the teaching of Critical Race Theory in schools. But he has a clear conflict of interest. AG Garland's son-in-law sells Critical Race Theory
Post by kungfuzu on Oct 8, 2021 5:44:37 GMT -8
This is further proof that our government is decadent and corrupt. They know we all understand this and they don't give a damn because they are in power and we are not. Hunter sells more prints The damage being done to our country is enormous.
Post by kungfuzu on Feb 7, 2022 12:52:44 GMT -8
I have been warning people about this for years. Policemen are not heroes. Many do not stand for the constitution. They take orders and if the orders come from thugs, the policemen act as thugs. I find the Canadian truckers awe inspiring. Oh, Canada
Post by artraveler on Feb 8, 2022 7:05:28 GMT -8
Good explanation on how this happened. It is depressing as the chances of reversing the trend are slim. americanmind.org/memo/why-they-cant-make-trump-go-away/The American regime still retains the form of a republic, but its substance has been transformed into an oligarchy, the rule of the few for the benefit of the few. Politicians of both parties, but most strikingly Republicans, have found it easy to ignore or evade promises made to constituents.
The Tea Party movement, for example, raised populist concerns that could not be easily ignored, but the movement was easily quelled by extravagant promises of reform in taxation and immigration. But almost everyone seemed to realize that the promises were insincere—the old “Washington shuffle.” There were many excuses, but there was never any intention of keeping those promises when they harmed the interests of the Washington Establishment, as all the demands of the Tea Party did.
The role of the Dominion Voting system, which is easily manipulated, may be revealed in the future, but the likelihood that there will ever be another free election in America is remote if the 2020 election is not thoroughly investigated. An alarming percentage of the electorate no longer believe that the 2020 election produced a fair result.
Post by kungfuzu on Feb 8, 2022 11:56:01 GMT -8
Post by kungfuzu on Apr 11, 2022 18:19:04 GMT -8
Post by kungfuzu on Apr 29, 2022 6:21:42 GMT -8
They are trying to get ahead of losing control over Twitter and other media which create their narrative. 1984 anyone?